
A Guerrilla Campaign

The immediate and urgent intent of the #DefendBlack campaign is to eradicate expressions of inferiority from our protest and ignite conscious and strategic movement towards the natural and instinctive right of self preservation. Defense must be prevalent in response to the repetitive, intentional and targeted mistreatment of Black and melanated people at the hands of this country. Boycotting, protesting, and paint on the streets won’t protect from the war this country has waged and acted upon against Black skin.

We must lead with action towards change and not by asking for it.

Our protest must not be polite.


A Guerrilla Campaign

The immediate and urgent intent of the #DefendBlack campaign is to eradicate expressions of inferiority from our protest and ignite conscious and strategic movement towards the natural and instinctive right of self preservation. Defense must be prevalent in response to the repetitive, intentional and targeted mistreatment of Black and melanated people at the hands of this country. Boycotting, protesting, and paint on the streets won’t protect from the war this country has waged and acted upon against Black skin.

We must lead with action towards change and not by asking for it.

Our protest must not be polite.

Proceeds for #DefendBlack Campaign tees
directly support our community programs

Impact OVER Fame

we challenge ideology and perspective

Impact OVER Fame is a non-profit organization focused on action, movement, and campaigns centered around equality and enlightenment for Black and marginalized communities. We provide tools & resources with an aim to create an even platform to allow disadvantaged groups to participate in society on an even playing field. We believe everyone has the natural born right to humanity and opportunity, therefore, we fight to demand it in every form while increasing consciousness and cognizance around measures that marginalized groups should take to be fruitful and protected.

#DEFENDBLACK is our inaugural campaign, using billboards, wild posting, and t-shirts as a means to widespread the birthright of acting in self preservation by featuring Black American citizens who have defended themselves against physical attack at the hands of this system. We chose these mediums to market intentionally to widen the opportunity to inspire action.


An act of compassion and enlightenment

Everything that happens in the free world affects those incarcerated. Wildfires, protests, and Covid-19 all impact the conditions and restrictions in prisons all over the nation. Because of Covid 19 scares and increases in cases, inmates have endured days and days in isolation, increased risk of catching the virus, and elimination of visitation rights and phone call privileges. Books2Booked is a peer-to-peer based prison books program created in response to these conditions. We directly make contact with inmates and their loved ones to find out their individual interests so that the community we have fostered can send brand new books directly to inmates that speak to their personal growth. This is a touch we find many prison book programs don’t have the capacity to foster- individuality.

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Our Books2Booked Program facilitates spreading peace and knowledge during this difficult time, as isolation and separation is greater than ever within jails as we continue to experience lockdown in response to Covid-19.

Send A book

In this time of general unrest, lockdown of our cities has even more extreme implications for those incarcerated. Aside from the knowledge they provide, books also offer a sense of escapism and comfort. Send a book, share the peace.

Organizations and Movements we support

Brooklyn Combine

A not-for-profit community organization. BC works with schools, community organizations, and dedicated city officials to help provide critical education, leadership, and social support programs to youth and young adults in low-income and underserved communities.


The NFAC is an all Black coalition which upholds our first and second amendment rights while advocating for Black liberation


NAAGA acts as a civil rights organization focused on preservation of our community through armed protection and community building.


Prosperity Market is a mobile farmers market and food truck concept launching in Los Angeles. Their focus on local black farmers, food producers, and chefs strengthens our ecosystem and economy by creating food access, nurturing community partnerships, and supporting the black agricultural movement.

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